Book Detail
Edition: 1st
Release: 1991-08-15
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN/ASIN: 0195054350
Format: hardcover, kindle, PDF, EPUB
Lone Star Rising pdfDescription
Like other great figures of 20th-century American politics, Lyndon Johnson defies easy understanding. An unrivaled master of vote swapping, back room deals, and election-day skulduggery, he was nevertheless an outspoken New Dealer with a genuine commitment to the poor and the underprivileged. With aides and colleagues he could be overbearing, crude, and vindictive, but at other times shy, sophisticated, and magnanimous. Perhaps columnist Russell Baker said it best: Johnson "was a character out of a Russian novel...a storm of warring human instincts: sinner and saint, buffoon and statesman, cynic and sentimentalist."
But Johnson was also a representative figure. His career speaks volumes about American politics, foreign policy, and business in the forty years after 1930. As Charles de Gaulle said when he came to JFK's funeral: Kennedy was America's mask, but this man Johnson is the country's real face.
In Lone Star Rising, Robert Dallek, winner of the prestigious B Download Lone Star Rising for free via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, dropBox, uploading, fileserve

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