Book Detail
Release: 2012-07-06
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1477421173
Format: hardcover, kindle, PDF, EPUB
A Roadmap to High-Value Healthcare Delivery pdf
A Nation in Need of Resuscitation. Like a person suffering from a debilitating disease, healthcare delivery in the United States is ailing. The U.S. spends significantly more per capita and a higher percentage of GDP on healthcare than other developed nations, yet our patient outcomes (e.g., mortality, safety, access to medical care) are disparate and inconsistent. Moreover, the rapidly rising costs of healthcare delivery are making medical care increasingly unaffordable to the average citizen and threaten our national financial viability. How did we get here? Although unhealthy lifestyles and the growing and aging population are undoubtedly contributing to the rise in healthcare costs, two key factors must not be underestimated: a) advances in medical technology and b) powerful system incentives that inadvertently advance unchecked utilization throughout the healthcare delivery system. So what can we do? In this publication, Denis A. Cortese, MD and Robert K. Smoldt, MBA draw on ne Download A Roadmap to High-Value Healthcare Delivery for free via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, dropBox, uploading, fileserve