Book Detail
Edition: 11
Release: 2012-01-01
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN/ASIN: 1111831009
Format: hardcover, kindle, PDF, EPUB
Biological Psychology pdf
- Colorful, vivid illustrations in a consistent style throughout the text connect physiological components to concise biological psychology explanations, helping students understand challenging concepts.
- Applications and Extensions bring practical meaning and better understanding to important topics. Topics include people with four cone types, "goose bumps" and "fight or flight," suppressed vision during eye movements, and an exploration of the sensation of tickle and the somatosensory receptors.
- Try It Yourself exercises illustrate phenomena discussed in the text. By allowing students to experience certain research findings directly, these enjoyable, instructive exercises make it easier to comprehend and remember concepts.
- Stop and Check self-quizzes at the end of every major section give students the opportunity to review and digest the material they have just read. Answers--presented upside down--immediately follow each question or set of questions.
- New or revised coverage includes topics such as severe anxiety disorders, seasonal variation of eating habits, the importance of genetics in learning language, diagnosis of schizophrenia, antidepressant drug therapy, new brain cell formation following brain damage, addiction, and the biochemical basis of the action potential.
Dr. James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY is the most widely used text in the course area, and for good reason: an extremely high level of scholarship, clear and occasionally humorous writing style, and precise examples. Throughout all eleven editions, Kalat's goal has been to make biological psychology accessible to psychology students, not just to biology majors and pre-meds. Another goal has been to convey the excitement of the search for biological explanations of behavior, and Kalat--a skilled teacher--delivers. Updated with new topics, examples, and recent research findings--and supported by a strong media package--this text speaks to today's students and instructors. Download Biological Psychology for free via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, dropBox, uploading, fileserve

Download Biological Psychology pdf
Book Detail
Edition: Sixth Edition, None
Release: 2011-05-15
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1581104987
Format: hardcover, kindle, PDF, EPUB
Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) pdf
The new 6th edition textbook with accompanying DVD reflects the 2010 American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation.
The new, extensively updated Neonatal Resuscitation Program materials represent a shift in approach to the education process, eliminating the slide and lecture format and emphasizing a hands-on, interactive, simulation-based learning environment. Changes in the NRP™ Algorithm Elimination of Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid in Initial Rapid Assessment Use of Supplemental Oxygen During Neonatal Resuscitation Use of Pulse Oximetry Download Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) for free via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, dropBox, uploading, fileserve

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