Book Detail
Edition: 1
Release: 2004-06-17
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1589010140
Format: hardcover, kindle, PDF, EPUB
Health, Disease, and Illness pdf
In the 1850s, "Drapetomania" was the medical term for a disease found among black slaves in the United States. The main symptom was a strange desire to run away from their masters. In earlier centuries gout was understood as a metabolic disease of the affluent, so much so that it became a badge of uppercrust honor -- and a medical excuse to avoid hard work. Today, is there such a thing as mental illness, or is mental illness just a myth? Is Alzheimer's really a disease? What is menopause -- a biological or a social construction?Historically one can see that health, disease, and illness are concepts that have been ever fluid. Modern science, sociology, philosophy, even society -- among other factors -- constantly have these issues under microscopes, learning more, defining and redefining ever more exactly. Yet often that scrutiny, instead of leading toward hard answers, only leads to more questions. Health, Disease, and Illness brings together a sterling list of classic and contemporar Download Health, Disease, and Illness for free via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, dropBox, uploading, fileserve